Friday 6 January 2012

One Thousand Gifts.

Ann Voskamp's book.  Have you read it?  Do it.  I can't even say that I've read it from cover to cover.... I'm bad like that.  I enjoy jumping around a book.... it could be due to the fact that I'm little scattered. But I have read most of it.   Right now on her blog she is having a "Joy Dare"  writing down 1000 things that you are thankful for in 2012.  I started my thankful book (she calls it a gratitude journal.... a little more fancy) last year.  I think I made it 200 things.  Then I quit.  I'm going to do it again this year.  3 things a day.  That's it.  I can do it... you can do it to.  It's life changing.  My heart could have easily been very bitter...... I wasn't good at seeing the good things.  I can be a negative Nelly.  (No offense to any Nelly's it was just an N name... could be Nancy, or Nora, whatever)  Here are few of mine.

*Bread makers..... borrowed and new
*laughter before bed
*cold sand between bare toes
*farm fresh eggs
*veggies from summer gardens
*someone else cleaning my house
*juicers and toaster ovens
*early morning snuggles
*Tuesday morning coffee with a friend

Then to my fellow FPIE mamas.  Ones who walked ahead of me.  CANichole, PANichole, Joy, Rebecca. Others I meet along the way Liz, Kristina, Dom, Lisa.   Your names will forever be etched in my book.  God lead me your way when I thought my world was falling apart, and FPIES was kicking my butt.  May our hearts always be soft with thanks, especially when the world throws so many things in our way, like toddlers screaming for cupcakes.  If I never get to meet you in our earthly home....... I'm looking for you on streets of gold.  I couldn't make it without you!!


  1. oh my gosh! I was gifted one of these in college...a gratitude journal. It was the most amazing thing ever. Wouldnt it be great for each person in the family to have one? OH I need one! Thats it! off to scrounge for a notebook!

  2. Thank you Joce...thank you. I have learned just as much from you, we all learn from each other- it is the way it is meant to be....

  3. I ordered this book yesterday.. excited to check it out!!

  4. Thanks for writing. You have such a lovely spirit Jocelyn. You also always make me laugh and cry at the same time. My tears are getting confused here. The way you share your love for your children and husband is so uplifting. As always, sweet hugs to you all plus 'The Dog... Fred' He's beautiful too.

  5. This is so sweet, thank you and I can't imagine getting through this with out you and the other FPIES momma's!

  6. Great idea with the notes, a way for us to remind ourselves how blessed we really are. My journey has been made lighter by sharing it with wonderful women and families like yours! I really hope we can meet one day soon!

  7. I loved that book it has taught me so much about gratitude.. keep it up Joce!! Blessings, Karen

  8. I read this book last year and loved her style of writing...
    I also started my Gratitude Journal... it's hit the 323 mark and you have inspired me to dust it off and keep going for 2012 :)
    Keep looking for the GRACE!
