Monday 23 July 2012

I become a doubter.....

almost always after I have an appointment in the *medical* field.  Levi is not a normal little dude, so he shouldn't have to fit in the norms.  Right?!  He is totally fantastic, and is eating a truck load now.  Don't get me wrong, they are always happy that he is doing well, and that he looks so good, but then they get out their little charts and graphs and *normal* what-cha-ma-have-its, and then well, we fail.  Bummer.   In my head I don't really care, cause I know better and he is the picture of health.  He is eating a stinkin roast beef BY HIMSELF in a week.  That doesn't even include all the rest of the veggies, and egg yolks.   But then the doctors, say things like "if his iron levels stay that low then he is going to have...... blah, blah, blah".   My heart hurts, and I start second guessing if what I am doing is really enough.  See what I mean..... a big ole doubter.  I really don't even have a right to be.  Because...... drum roll.......we did gain just over a pound and we grew an inch.  Good eh?  Actually great in my books.  From 10 months old to 24 months old (that's 14 months if you can't do math in your head like myself)  we grew nothing.  In 4 months we grew!  Awesome is what I say.  But awesome isn't on the *normal* what-cha-ma-have-its chart.  It still says he didn't grow enough, his line didn't move, so if his iron levels (we won't get back until Friday) aren't up, the whole IV iron thing gets put back up for discussion.  Dude.  I don't want that discussion.  So I'm getting back on my knees to the greatest physician, start thanking Him for our growth (cause it really is great) and going to start praying the hemoglobin levels are on the up and up.  If God can change water to wine, then I've got no reason to be a doubter.


  1. He's so stinking cute! AND Tan!! :)

  2. I just know that Friday will bring good news. My heart is with you and I remain one of your biggest fans. Way to go, Levi. You are one wonderful dude. All the Babbitts love you and send you strength and our most positive energy...always! xoxox

  3. I absolutely love your positive energy and faith each time I read your blog. Your little man has come a long way with the faith and devotion of your entire family and the medical field. Keep doing what you are doing and believing in yourself for you have gotten Levi farther than I am sure you ever dreamt possible some days. If you think of how long he has been on this earth and how much he weighs from birth til now and how tall Levi is at this point then gaining over a pound and an inch in 4 months is incredible !!! He has some catching up to do no doubt but it's not likely to happen over night....slow and steady wins the race! Even an "average" child can be way below the norm or way above the norm but in the end it usually all evens out given time.As parents we have the unexplainable natural instinct built in to us that no medical field can ever take away. We have to trust in ourselves as well as rely on the medical field(both holistic and western)cause there are always more ways than one to look at things! I look forward to reading your updates and wish your family all the best!

  4. You are incredible! I am going through something similar with my son who is 7.5 months and being on a very strict elimination diet - trying to find safe foods. The doctors don't really understand. I'd love to hear what you ate on yours, how you trialled foods, etc. God is our healer and I'm fully believing He will heal Malachi as well. Praise God for what he has done! My email is I'm in Canada as well :)
