Sunday 19 February 2012

February Funk

That's where I am.  When I cry at the drop of a hat.   When I look around and all I see is a mess, but I'm too tired to do anything about it. When I'm just generally irritable with everyone, including, if not mostly  myself. When I wish chocolate was on the list of things that I could eat, cause I think I would bury  myself under the covers with a big bag full of it.  When life just feels tough, and you just have to remember to breathe, because really it's not all that bad.  It's just a funk, and soon I see the other side.  February and I ...... we're not the best of buddies. 
BUT,  February has also brought great movement in the in food department.   So I guess we'll stay on speaking terms.   Levi is still eating broth everyday, and most often it is more than one bite, sometimes 2 or 3.  And it has been good, really good.  Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezie as Miss Maggs likes to say.  He also has had 2 bites of beef puree on separate days as well as Fish.  Oh yes people, this is working.  Today was suppose to be a bite of pork puree, but yesterday I had ground beef for dinner.   One of things I can eat.  It was from a source that I have had many times, but not my usual source from my Amish peeps.   The last few times I have noticed that he gets a little coughy and gaggy after I eat it.  Again thinking that I'm just over thinking things, I ate it again last night for dinner.  Well within 2 feeds he had a pretty rough cough.  He went from being completely fine to very croupy in 4 hours.  We spent most of the night awake, steaming him in the bathroom, to going outside to help open his airways.  He has had many ginger baths and today he seems okay.  The cough is loose.  As always, better through the day, and worse in the evenings.  I have pumped and dumped, getting the *bad* stuff out.  He still is super sensitive.  I hope this goes away with time, as his body gets the nutrients it needs and his little gut gets stronger.  It still panics me.  I know we will make it through this journey, we are on that road.  I plan to make it out stronger and braver, becoming the person God always intended me to be, but there will always be detours and pot holes.


  1. Oh Jocelyn,
    I can't even imagine. I am having the February Funk as well. Tears are too close and grrrr's are also too close. And I don't even have to deal with ANY of the stuff you have to.
    Don't be hard on yourself. You are super-mom! I am in awe of the strength that you have.
    Keep your chin up. Let yourself have moments to cry and feel sorry for yourself and then pick yourself up again and keep on plugging!!
    You are blessed and a blessing.

  2. Thanks for updating us on Levi. Rest assured that he is in our prayers every day. Your way of writing about your life with Levi could one day be a best seller..don't throw away the copies. You have an amazing uplifted spirit in the midst of such difficulties.
    Hats off to you. Hugs.

  3. Hey Joce! I've been feeling irritable too this last week and a half, those february blues! You are the strongest person I know. Your journey with Levi has been so long. It's amazing how in tune you are with the way his body works, you're ever watchful and perceptive. He has been blessed with an incredible mommy! You still have your humour and wit about you, I see it in your writing! I LOve your writing! I love that I can come on your blog and see how things are going with the little man! You bring inspiration to me. May God continue to heal Levi and give strength and endurance to you and Adam. Hugs for all of you. Miss you! xoxoxo

  4. Hooray for good news! and progress...and boo for three steps forward and one step back. February is just junky all around. I think if I lived where you live in the COLD bitter NORTH I would have the funk during any winter month, beginning with maybe November and not ending until at least March. ;) I'm with you on the chocolate. Amazing job mama. Happy to not read about eye gunk!

  5. Thinking about you guys. I know the croup you speak about, Sam got it with soy- nothing else, just soy but it was so obvious from soy. It came rushing back when we challenged soy at 15mo. We're staying away from soy for awhile.
    Chocolate is overrated. ;) Ok, not really but sorta? Your spirit is strong, your heart is are an amazing mom! Hugs!

  6. Hi Jocelyn

    I left a message yesterday and I was checking in to see if you receieved it. But it is not here anymore. Did it make it to you? I left some contact info and a question about posting Levi and your family on our prayer board.

    1. Hi Marilyn No I didn't get it. You can just email to me as well. :) Thanks, and thanks for the phone call too!
