Friday 10 February 2012

Ah choo

 A cold or detoxing out some of the bad bugs in his little gut?  I am still undecided.   He did sneeze a lot, but no cough came.  Saturday and Sunday he was very lethargic and completely stopped nursing all day.  Throughout the night he would nurse a little bit but would end up gagging.  Needless to say I was very happy when Monday came along and he started to nurse again. I will admit though, I had just started to pray that week that when it was time to start weaning him, that it would be an easy transition for him, somewhat self led.  I mean a 2 year who exclusively breast fed, it is going to be no easy task to get him to give it up.  Seriously though I was like "Are you kidding me God??  This is the time he's going to quit? I was kinda hoping maybe we'd have some food first!!"  I realized then how much I depend on my nursing.  How it's safe,  something always to fall back on, when really I should use Him as my safety net.  I do.  But in my terms.  Again this something I have to surrender,  God doesn't always send me the "safe", but He does promise to walk ahead of me, and that He will never leave me or forsake me.  And so even though I made Saturday a broth free day, because I thought maybe his little body needed a break,  Sunday I kept going,  just trying to get some fluid into him.  We have to push through some of this stuff,  leaving safe behind and because we did....  we have reached a new Day 5!!  Actually this is Day 6 of one bite of broth in a row.  We have no fever, and no goop!!  ECSTATIC!!  We are still noticing weird things like how off balance he is, that he is pale and dopey looking every once in a while.  He still is pretty whiny, wanting to be held a lot and he is waking up a lot in the night.  But nothing is getting worse, and some things are improving.  We will keep on walking on.  That being said, this mama is stepping up the game.   Tomorrow's menu is meat.  That right people,  I'm getting my brave on.   We give him his first bite of beef puree.   We will keep the same broth rotation,  adding a bite of meat, following our beginning routine of skipping a day, hopefully working our way up to everyday.   Thank you for your prayers, I depend on them.  They carry me through as I leave the safe behind.

1 comment:

  1. We're praying for all of you! Grateful to hear that you are able to forge ahead with God's wisdom and guidance - sending hugs!!
